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Using WinTest for ES Open HF Championship

Guidelines to use WinTest for ES Open HF Championship

by ES5TV

  • Use for example RDXC contest configuration and MIXED mode. If the class is SSB or CW, select the respective mode. A QSO on the same band and in a different mode will be correctly allowed.
  • Open 4 different logging windows before the contest, having different log file names but the same configuration. After every period select an appropriate window, use menu item EDIT->EDIT SERIAL NUMBER, enter a correct number and continue working. Again, every station can be worked once on both bands and modes - 4 times in total in one period.
  • Multipliers and QSO points are not counted correctly, but it's quite simple to print out a matrix on paper and mark the worked multipliers. As the maximum number is 40 for MIXED and 20 for single-mode classes, the task is relatively easy. Don't worry about QSO points, they will be re-calculated during log checking.
  • After the contest, export each log as Cabrillo and merge them into a single file. Again, you needn't worry about the CLAIMED SCORE field.
es6q 40quad lumes
ES3VI talvepaev
ES6RQ ryhm talv
es5pc 2ant
ES7A 50MHz
es6q talv
es5pc aurora
Udukyla contest


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