The Baltic VUSHF Contest will again take place on the 3rd Saturday of August, i.e. on 17.08.2024. The contest will be held simultaneously on 3 bands - 144, 432 and 1296 MHz. It starts at 15.00 UTC and will end at 21.00 UTC (local midnight). Each station can be worked once per band regardless of mode. There are just analog modes allowed, i.e. CW, SSB and FM. You either attend as single-op or multi-op station. The rules of the contest can be found from the link below:

    See the complete rules of the contest here!

    See the recommendations on logging software here!

Logs should be sent preferably in .edi format and no later than on 31.08.2024. You can either upload your log via the special web-application or send it to the contest's e-mail address (see the rules!). 

Looking forward to your active participation!

ERAU VHF Committee in c/o with LRAL and LRMD 

This year's Estonian radio amateurs' summer camp was successfully held at Merelaiu puhkeküla (ES8-area, Pärnumaa) at the end of June. More than 200 participants enjoyed nice weather and good company of the fellow hams and their family members, the 100th anniversary of the Estonian amateur radio was celebrated with an evening wine-table and a huge decorated cake. 

See more info and photo galleries on the Events and fests page here! 

CU next year!

ERAU Board

On a general meeting of the ERAÜ that took place on April 27 at Türi, the new board for the society was elected for the next 3 years - see the info here! Small changes were also made in the committees. 


We are glad to announce that an international team of operators under the call ES9UKR came first in the CQ WPX SSB Contest 2023 in M2 category! The operation was carried out from ES5TV's contest station and an outstanding score of 36.7 million points was achieved (8815 Q-s and 1754 prefixes). The results table can be seen here!


Special QSL-s were also printed, so, if you had a qso and would like to get a card, please send one to ES QSL bureau and your card will be answered. 

Slava Ukraini!

ERAU HF Committee

We have updated the Estonian "firsts" tables (DXCC count) on VUSHF bands, that can be followed from the link below. If you find that you have a QSO with an ES- (or former UR2-) station before the date in the table or that your country is not in the list at all (but you have a QSO), please let us know via e-mail to es2nj[ät] 

ES firsts on VUSHF


VHF Committee