First, download a zip file that contains two files - a specific cty.dat file and also a udc file created for this contest.
Please copy the ".udc" file into the UserDefinedContests directory and the ES-Open-HF_cty.dat file into the SupportFiles directory of your N1MM+. After that you must start a new contest in N1MM and choose "ESOPEN" from the contest list.
Next step: after you have created the contest, you need to load (from the Tools menu of N1MM+) the above mentioned ".dat" file to get the right multipliers ("Import country list from downloaded files"). The SupportFiles directory is prompted - choose the file named ES-Open-HF_cty.dat.
Now you should have everything ready for the contest, N1MM+ counts correctly the periods and dupes, points and multipliers.
Just have fun and good luck in ES Open!
ERAU HF Committee