The amateur radio societies of the 3 Baltic States were jointly celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Baltic Way with activating special event stations from each republic. Special calls - ES30WAY, LY30WAY and YL30WAY were operating from August 19th till August 25th 2019 on all HF and VHF bands. A nice award is issued to commemorate this event - this is free (to download) to all, who fulfilled at least 30 points.
30 years ago we joined our hands, now were joining in on-air activity!
Baltic Way Award Organizing Committee
ESFF as a Hunter
- Register to and fill your profile (registration is confirmed manually, so it may take a few days).
- has lots of information about WWFF-programme, operation agenda, WWFF DX-cluster and WWFF-reference directory.
- Work WWFF-stations! The popular Flora&Fauna frequencies are:
Phone: 3.744, 7.144, 14.244, 18.144, 21.244, 24.944, 28.444
CW: 3.544, 7.024, 10.124, 14.044, 18.084, 21.044, 24.894, 28.044 - Your QSL-card is not needed for WWFF-awards! What is needed is that WWFF-station who worked you, will send his/her log to WWFF-manager (in Estonia to ES1NOA). You can manage your awards via “Logsearch” on
- Apply global and national WWFF-awards via Logsearch-page. Awards hosted at WWFF-site are free and are sent by email (JPG or PDF).
- Logsearch -> Top operators page lists top hunters and top activators. Number #1 hunter has over 13000 WWFF-references worked!
ESFF as an Activator
- Check ESFF directory at: and choose the reference to activate. Directory also shows how many accepted qso-s from that reference has ever been worked.
- Choose your QTH carefully. The whole station: radio + antennas must be located inside the reference area. The blue question mark on directory page opens map for this reference.
- Additional information about references and their borders can be found from:
- (by ES1NOA - ESFF-references on the map)
- (by ES1NOA - ESFF-references with additional information on Google spreadsheet)
- Natura 2000 areas on the map
- X-GIS 2.0 [looduskaitse] ( Estonian Nature conservation and Natura 2000 sites (Looduskaitse ja Natura 2000 alad)
- Make an operation! Minimum of 44 qsos is needed to “qualify” the operation for the top operators’ list, but you can collect 44 qsos on separate occasions. Even if you work less qsos, send your log, as it is good for hunters! For hunters there is no minimum requirement.
- Name format for your log is like ES1NOA @ ESFF-0001_20190101 (call @ ref# date).
- Any log programme which has ADIF-format (.adi/.adif) is good, but your log needs the following fields:
Operator callsign: OPERATOR
Hunter’s callsign: CALL
Band: BAND
Mode: MODE
MY_SIG_INFO is your ESFF-reference like ESFF-0001SIG is “WWFF”
If you have qsos to other WWFF-references (so called “park to park qsos”) you need also:
SIG_INFO WWFF-reference number of worked WWFF-station like OHFF-0123
- If you use paper log, the recommended software to convert it to ADIF is DF3CB’s Fast Log Entry (FLE) which is free and an easy text editor to produce ADIF-files for WWFF. You can use FLE in real-time or off-line.
- Submit ADIF-log to ESFF manager to: . If you visit several times the same reference area, send your log after each operation. QSLs are not needed for WWFF awards.
- Send also documents to prove from where you operated. Take e.g. a snapshot of your smart phone’s map programme or photo from your GPS position or send another document proving your location. You can also send photos of your WWFF-setup and nature area border signs.
- ESFF manager will inform you when your log has been accepted and uploaded to
- Logsearch -> Top operators page lists top hunters and top activators. Number #1 activator has over 1200 WWFF-references activated!
Good luck!
Timo, ES1NOA
ERAÜ's traditional Winter Day took place on Saturday, 2nd of February in Tallinn TV Tower Conference Centre and brought together more than 70 participants. The programme had several interesting presentations - new developments in FT8/JTDX, hints to set up remote operation, a survey of the past WRTC-2018, discussions on the future of the ES VUSHF Field Day etc. Tours to the tower's broadcast centre and survey of the modern equipment there were also provided.
The survey of the presentations (in Estonian) can be found here.
Many thanks to all presenters and CU next year!
Organising Committee
60m band is available on a regular basis to Estonian (ES) class A and B amateurs since September 1st, 2017!
ERAU Board
The Estonian radio amateurs' summer camp in 2024 was successfully held at Merelaiu puhkeküla (ES8-area, Pärnumaa) at the end of June. More than 200 participants enjoyed nice weather and good company of the fellow hams and their family members, the 100th anniversary of the Estonian amateur radio was celebrated with an evening wine-table and a huge decorated cake.
See more info and photo galleries on the Events and fests page here!
CU next year!
ERAU Board
The traditional ES Open HF Championship Contest was held on 17th of April. We are now glad to announce the final results of the contest!
- ES Open 2021 results
- Full log (UBN-s) here
- Results survey
Congratulations to the winners, many thanks to everybody for nice activity, CU next year!
ERAU HF Committee
Special Event Stations with ES100 prefix were activated from Estonia to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Estonian Republic (on 24.02.2018). The activity period for 15 different call-signs was from February 1st till March 31st 2018. During these 2 months an excellent amount of 162 thousand QSO-s were made by the ES100 stations on all HF bands! Please now download your awards, order the wooden plaques and give us a notice if your want a paper QSL via the bureau! All this can be done via the special web-page at: (TNX ES1TU!)
All the QSO-s were also uploaded to LoTW.
Many thanks to everybody for the super activity!
ERAU Board
The Baltic VUSHF Contest was successfully held on 17.08.2024. Logs should be sent preferably in .edi format and no later than on 31.08.2024. You can either upload your log via the special web-application (see the link below) or send it via e-mail (see the rules!). NB! Those who operated on several bands, must separate your multi-band log to single band logs (separate files) and upload the band logs separately - the application will not accept one multi-band log! Yet, you can always send your multi-band log to the contest's e-mail address (see the rules!).
See the complete rules of the contest here!
Upload you log here!
Thank you for active participation and waiting for your logs!
ERAU VHF Committee in c/o with LRAL and LRMD
The Baltic VUSHF Contest will again take place on the 3rd Saturday of August, i.e. on 17.08.2024. The contest will be held simultaneously on 3 bands - 144, 432 and 1296 MHz. It starts at 15.00 UTC and will end at 21.00 UTC (local midnight). Each station can be worked once per band regardless of mode. There are just analog modes allowed, i.e. CW, SSB and FM. You either attend as single-op or multi-op station. The rules of the contest can be found from the link below:
See the complete rules of the contest here!
See the recommendations on logging software here!
Logs should be sent preferably in .edi format and no later than on 31.08.2024. You can either upload your log via the special web-application or send it to the contest's e-mail address (see the rules!).
Looking forward to your active participation!
ERAU VHF Committee in c/o with LRAL and LRMD