Sakala 14, Tallinn 10141, Estonia
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Estonia Award


This award, instituted by the ESTONIAN RADIO AMATEURS UNION (ERAU) is available to all licensed radio amateurs and SWLs World Wide. Contacts with ES-stations are valid since Jan 1st 1990. An extract of a station log serve as the proof of the validity of the contacts. Each station may be contacted once. Stations outside of their own/home call area like ES1QD and ES1QD/0 or ES5GP and ES5GP/8 count as different ES-stations. Contacts via relay stations and/or automatic stations are not allowed. 

Every QSO = 1 point. QSOs with the EARU HQ stations like ES9A to ES9Z, ES9EFF and like ES##HQ, ES#JOTA, as well as with the special event stations with any two figures in the prefix like ES60, ES75, ES80 etc. count 2 points.



A. Needed points for EUROPEAN STATIONS, all classes: 

HF - 20 pts. on 10...160m HF bands, incl. QSO-s with at least 5 different ES call-areas;
VHF - 15 pts. on 2m band, incl. QSO-s with at least 5 different WW QTH-loc squares of Estonia;
UHF - 10 pts. on 70cm band;
SHF -  5 pts. on 23cm or any higher SHF band; 
SIX - 10 pts. on 6m band, incl. QSO-s with at least 5 different WW QTH-loc squares of Estonia; 
FOUR - 5 pts. on 4m band;
SAT - 5 pts. via any amateur radio sattellite.

B. Needed points for STATIONS OUTSIDE OF EUROPE, all classes:

HF - 10 pts. on 10...160m HF bands;
VHF/UHF/SHF - 2 pts. on any VUSHF bands, incl. EME;
SIX - 5 pts. on 6m band, incl. EME;
FOUR - 3 pts. on 4m band, incl. EME;
SAT - 3 pts. via any amateur radio sattellite.

The cost of the ESTONIA AWARD is 10 USD or 10 EUR (incl. postal charges). Special awards for QSOs with 50 and 100 ES-stations are also available in all award classes. Send a request together with the extract of your log and corresponding fee to:

Rävala pst 8-111B
p/k 80  
10143 Tallinn

Estonia Award contact:

via ERAU



Eesti Raadioamatööride Ühing
Mail: Sakala 14, Tallinn 10141, Estonia
bank account (IBAN):
EE732200001120066318 SWEDBANK

100 years IARU
ERAÜ is IARU member since 1938

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