Guide for using an amateur radio station by a foreign radio amateur during a temporary visit to Estonia
A foreign radio amateur, who is the holder of a valid CEPT Amateur Radio Licence (see CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01), can operate his amateur station up to three (3) months in Estonia with the rights granted by the national B class qualification without any extra registration, application or charge. For operating an amateur radio station with the rights granted by the national A class qualification, also for more than three months stay in Estonia a licence from Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (hereinafter ECPTRA) is required (the application procedure is given below).
The licensee shall observe the provisions of CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01 and relevant parts of the Estonian Amateur Radio Regulations. The holder of a valid CEPT amateur radio licence can use amateur radio equipment in Estonia during his(her) temporary stay in the country on all allocated frequency bands from 1.8MHz to 1.3GHz (incl. 70.0-70.3 MHz) in accordance with the IARU Region 1 band plan and recommendations. The maximum transmitting output power regardless of mode is limited to 20dBW (100W).
The call sign of a visitor shall consist of the following parts:
prefix letters «ES» and a digit showing the location of an amateur station in territory of Estonia* during the temporary stay <stroke> ( / ) own home call sign and <stroke> ( / ) «M» (when mobile) or «P» (when portable - used only when operating with VHF/UHF/SHF handheld equipment) or prefix letters «ES» and <stroke> ( / ) own home call sign <stroke> ( / ) «AM» (when airborne mobile).
* digits used for formation of a call sign in the different administrative districts of Estonia (see the map here):
ES1 Tallinn (The Capital City Area);
ES2 Harju county (except Tallinn);
ES3 Lääne, Rapla and Järva counties;
ES4 Lääne-Viru and Ida-Viru counties;
ES5 Jõgeva and Tartu counties;
ES6 Põlva, Valga and Võru counties;
ES7 Viljandi county;
ES8 Pärnu county;
ES0 Hiiu and Saare counties.
For all other cases not mentioned above the amateur radio licence from ECPTRA is required in order to install and use an amateur radio station in Estonia. For full information please contact the ECPTRA Frequencies Management Dept - see info below.
When applying for an amateur radio licence in Estonia the following documents must be submitted:
1. Application form (see here);
2. Copy of the Qualification Certificate:
2.1. ECPTRA shall recognise a Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC) issued in a foreign country in accordance with CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-02;
2.2. ECPTRA may fully or partly recognise the qualification certificates issued by other countries if the requirements for examination certificate meet the requirements of the amateur radio examination in Estonia.
The application documents shall be addressed to:
Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority
Frequencies Management Department
Ms Ulvi Valdaru
Endla 10A, 10122 Tallinn, ESTONIA
Telephone: +372 667 2124
The applicant will receive the licence from the office of ECPTRA after the payment of the licence fee.
For information about the payment details please contact ECPTRA - info above.