You are invited to participate in the traditional ES Open HF Championship Contest held on 3rd Saturday of April, i.e. 19th of April!
Contest bands: 80m and 40m simultaneously. Foreign (non ES) participants can work only ES-stations during the contest (ES-stations can also work each other).
Due to the ongoing war in the Ukraine QSO-s with stations from Russia and Byelorussia are not counted in this contest and will not give any points.
The contest starts at 5:00 UTC and has 4 legs (subcontests), each lasting 1 hour. Any ES-station can be contacted twice during this hour on 80m and twice on 40m - one QSO in CW and one in SSB on both bands! So, maximum number of QSO-s with the same station during the whole contest (in mixed category) can be 16 (4x4). The contest ends at 8:59 UTC.
Contest exchange: RS(T) + serial No, starting 001 (number is continuous).
Each CW QSO gives 2 points, each SSB QSO 1 point.
Different ES-call areas (prefixes ES0 - ES9) serve as multipliers on each band and mode (max 40)!
Score: Sum of QSO points x total multiplier.
The complete rules of the contest can be found here!
The Contest Committee recommends DXLog or N1MM+ logging software for this contest. To set up N1MM - see the instructions here!
Results of the previous years can be seen here!
Send your log (in Cabrillo-format) within 7 days to: or
upload it from the ES-Open web-page at
CU in ES Open 2025!
ERAU HF Committee