The ERAU VHF Committee recommends to use N1MMLogger+ for the Baltic Open VUSHF Contest. This program matches the changed rules of the contest in the best way and is a proven software for both, HF and VHF use. We have created a new udc-file for this contest, that can be downloaded from here!
Please unpack the zip-file and copy the udc-file into the UserDefinedContests folder of the N1MMLogger. Start a new contest in N1MM and choose the right abbreviation from the list, i.e. VHF-BC-CO. You must also change the locator in the Sent Exchange field in the Contest Setup dialog box - currently the locator is written as LOCATOR, replace it with your own 6-digit locator! Of course it is also essential to fill correctly in the data in the "Change your station data" dialog box, so that N1MM correctly uses your call-sign and knows your locator. If you have completed the above given steps, N1MM should correctly handle the serial numbers on each band and calculate the points according to the points/km value.
If you have used the Lithuanian CGLog2 programme earlier and do not want to switch to a new software, then just choose LY VUSHF Contest from the list and it also should work!
DXLog programme is also among the choices - check the ES/LY/YL VUSHF Contest in the LOCAL CONTESTS section in the list and you'll find what you need!
Good luck in the Baltic VUSHF Contest!